Development of students’ creative speech activity in English lessons
"Development of students’ creative speech activity in English lessons", was the theme of English Week this year. The purpose was to attract many students to work ,which provided for various forms of work (pair, group, individual), in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as a variety of activities. During the week, a positive motivation to further study a foreign language was created. Students receive additional opportunities to apply knowledge, skills and abilities, gain new regional knowledge, develop socio-cultural competence. The aim was to conduct exciting activities that would differ from the traditional forms of the lesson, which would increase the motivation of students to learn foreign languages.
Students of the all classes took an active part in the events and showed all their knowledge and abilities in this regard. The following activities were prepared and implemented by English teachers: «Funny Songs» and «The ABC. Let’s sing!» among grades 1-4; Game «Animals» among grades 2; Play «Little Red Riding Hood» among grades 5-6; Quiz contest «I want to know everything» among grades 7-8 and debates «The art of communication» among grades 9-10.
Many English teachers during the open lesson showed brilliant results of their work, as well as diligent preparation of methodological material. Furthermore, each lesson was conducted taking into account the age characteristics of children and used different types and methods of work in the lesson.
Summing up, it should be noted that the English language week at school activates the cognitive and creative activities of students and teachers, brings bright colors and festive mood to school everyday life, requires and forms not only language, but also subject knowledge.
Writing by Badyrova A.N.